June Taylor was born in Ravenna , Texas to Offie William Evans and Edith Beatrice Price Evans. She
was preceded in death by both parents, two sisters Joyce Marie Carter, Barbara Louise Rollins, and a
brother William Scott Evans, both of her sons Danny Jay Taylor and James Clint Taylor. She is
survived by her daughter Gina Byrd, son-in-law Emmett Byrd, granddaughter Autumn Byrd. She had 5
grandchildren Daniel Taylor, Cherish Stegman, Autumn Byrd, Cassie Soto, Harlie Rodriguez, 9 great
grandchildren, and 3 great great grandchildren.
June loved her family unconditionally and was generous to a fault. She always hosted holidays,
birthdays, and celebrations at her home. Entertaining with food was a gift from her because she was
such a great cook. She loved shopping, gardening, animals, traveling, and gambling.
June worked as a "cover planner" at Taylor Publishing Company/Balfour in Dallas, Texas until she
retired after 43 years. She loved her work family/friends, always making food for a spread/luncheon,
baking birthday cakes for co workers, or sharing her "happy punch" tradition at Christmas.
Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard but always near. Still
loved, still missed and very dear. In our hearts forever.